2009年9月20日 星期日

06122006 歐盟公佈《RoHS指令》執行指引



◎ 執行指引 四大重點

◎ 選取調查對象 根據八大標準


◎ 符合性文件 循二種途徑


◎ 高度風險產品 均質物料測試


- 本翻譯僅供參考,如有疑問請以網站原文為主。-

資料來源: 《香港貿發局 歐盟商情快訊網站》
詳細內容請至英國NWML 的RoHS網站瀏覽指引文件。


(02) 2299-3279 Ext. 3102~3124 (業務客服組)
或請參考SGS之 RoHS檢測服務。

RoHS Enforcement Guidance Document finally issued

On 31 May 2006, the UK's enforcement agency for RoHS, the National Weights and Measures Laboratory (NWML), issued its RoHS Enforcement Guidance Document. This document has been developed by the EU Member States through discussions within the EU RoHS Enforcement Authorities Informal Network.

The RoHS Directive provides that each of the EU Member States can decide on the manner in which enforcement will be carried out. The Directive simply provides that "the penalties... provided for shall be effective, proportionate and dissuasive". The EU Member States have agreed on non-mandatory guidance in an effort to level the playing field for RoHS enforcement across Europe and prevent differences in enforcement policy which could lead to confusion, complications and additional costs for producers and importers.

Although the guidance is non-binding, it is extremely useful to importers and producers as it provides clear advice on how they may demonstrate compliance with RoHS legislation.

The guidance document looks at four key issues:
● the underlying principles that can be used to guide RoHS enforcement;
● the type of documentation that producers should keep;
● the manner in which RoHS enforcement agencies might rely on such documentation to check for RoHS compliance; and
● the ways in which sample preparation and analytical testing might be employed.

The scope of products under RoHS being so broad, enforcement authorities must decide which EEE they wish to select for further investigation. The road to such selection will normally stem from market surveillance activities -- which involve one or more of the following criteria: market intelligence; random selection; products which are known to contain materials of high concern; high volume products; short life products; consumer products that are unlikely to be recycled; notification of concern from external parties; and notification of concern from other Member States. If concerns do arise, then the Member State enforcement authority may, at this stage, decide to submit a formal request to the producer, triggering an investigation.

National authorities will require self-declaration from producers as the key principle underlying the enforcement process. The guidance sets out a step-by-step approach to RoHS compliance, from self-declaration through to providing documentation and carrying out testing where required.

As regards documentation, two routes to compliance are provided for in this approach:
● route 'A' which requires the production of typical information relating to the producer's internal systems to ensure RoHS
compliance, as well as overview documentation; or
● route 'B' (felt to be more relevant for SMEs) which requires typical information relating to a product's physical attributes
that shows that it is RoHS compliant, together with overview documentation.

Compliance documentation for route A is "process-based" technical documentation. It should demonstrate the compliance assurance system in place both within the company and within the supply chain, and also how the system is implemented; technical documentation to support the process and measures being used to assess the conformity with RoHS; and results of internal and supplier audits to validate the compliance assurance system.

Compliance documentation for Route B is "product- or parts-based" technical documentation. This should demonstrate producers' or suppliers' warranties or certificates declaring that the use of restricted substances is within the permitted levels; producers' or suppliers' completed materials declaration for each part, and justifications, e.g., of use of exemptions (declarations would be limited to the list of RoHS substances and not all materials); and an analysis report for homogenous materials in parts or components.

Finally the guidance lays down the harmonised approach to sample preparation and analytical testing, a subject which has been causing producers some concern. The guidelines state that testing will usually be seen as a last resort; nonetheless, at the same time it is suggested that analytical testing of homogeneous materials in products or specific components may be useful, particularly for higher risk products. Examples are provided of standard analytical testing methods which are recommended or being developed (such as the IEC standard testing for the IT, telecoms and consumer electronics sector).

Further examples of screening methods and sampling strategies are also provided, with the guidance recommending that producers concentrate on known "high concern" materials and applications and samples that can be separated from equipment for laboratory testing through usual techniques. Commission guidance on sampling is also included, together with examples.

Source: 《Tdctrade in Hong Kong Website》
For Guidance Document, please view at UK’s NWML for RoHS website:

