《歐盟RoHS》7月1日生效 台灣250億元產品不合格
◎不符RoHS規定 影響產值250億元
RoHS指令限用六大項危害物質,尤其『鉛』的應用範圍非常廣泛,包括印刷電路板(PCB)、主機板、電源線..等,因此業者必須尋找其他合適的替代方案以符合RoHS規範。另一方面,歐盟的環保意識也散播到世界各地。最近,不僅中國頒布《電子資訊產品污染控制管理辦法》(RoHS),美國加州《電子設備限用四大項有害物質》(RoHS)法令也將於2007年1月1日實施。另外,新力(Sony)、戴爾(Dell)、惠普(HP) ..等國際大廠也紛紛訂定各自的綠色採購標準來要求供應商符合相關規定。因此,本土業者必須積極建立各自的綠色供應鏈以爭取更多大廠的訂單。總之,隨著《歐盟RoHS》實施日期日漸逼近,相關電子業者愈早符合RoHS規定愈有利產品銷售。
- 本翻譯僅供參考,如有疑問請以網站原文為主。-
資料來源: 《台北時報網站》
(02) 2299-3279 Ext. 3102~3124 (業務客服組)
或請參考SGS之 RoHS檢測服務。
《EU RoHS》could hurt Taiwanese NT$25 billion sales
Starting on July 1, the EU will implement its Restriction on Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Directive, which effectively bans six substances, including cadmium, mercury, hexavalent chromium and lead, from electrical and electronics products. The nation's electronics industry could lose up to 10 percent of its output value to the EU as many manufacturers have yet to comply with the EU's new environmental regulations, which come into effect in July, according to a recent estimate by the Industrial Development Bureau.
◎Non-RoHS Compliance may make the loss of NT$25 billion
Among the 972 companies listed in Taiwan that export their goods to the region, 164 of them were still unprepared for the new rules, the bureau said, without specifying which companies.
Taiwan exported nearly NT$250 billion (US$7.7 billion) of electrical and electronics goods to the EU last year. Should these companies remain unable to meet the requirement when the directive comes into effect, orders worth about NT$25 billion may disappear each year, the bureau estimated.
◎Suppliers should comply with the major companies green standards
As the six substances banned by RoHS, especially lead, are widely used in products such as printed circuit boards, motherboards and power cords, companies need to find feasible and affordable replacement substances. But alternative substances, along with new technology and equipment, will significantly increase production costs.
Environmental awareness has also spread outside the EU, so that countries including the US and China are pushing through legislation similar to the RoHS act. Major multinational electronics companies such as Sony Corp, Dell Inc and Hewlett-Packard Co have set up their own green procurement standards.
Companies devoted to environmentally friendly manufacturing and related businesses have been reaping the benefits as the introduction of the new rules has approached.
Source: http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/biz/archives/2006/04/01/2003300400
2009年9月20日 星期日
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