• 英國WEEE法例將於2007年1月1日正式生效。
• 自2007年4月1日起,生產商必須向廢料回收處理廠提供關於新電子及電器設備的資
• 自2007年4月1日起,生產商必須對含有減損臭氧層之危害物質的家戶電子及電器設
• 環境署將於2007年6月1日以前發出生產商註冊編號。
• 自2007年7月1日起,生產商須對所有家戶及非家戶電子及電器設備廢棄物承擔全部
• 自2007年7月1日起,生產商於銷售電子及電器設備時,須提供WEEE註冊編號給予
• 自2007年7月1日起,家戶電子及電器設備廢料的回收系統需開始運作,包括由經銷
商運作及管理的指定收集廠(Designated Collection Facilities, DCFs)。
- 本翻譯僅供參考,如有疑問請以網站原文為主。-
資料來源: 《英國貿易和工業部(DTI)網站》
UK Announced Final Timetable for WEEE
The UK's Department for Trade and Industry (DTI) has finally published a timetable for the implementation of the WEEE Directive. To date, the UK and Malta are the only of the 25 Member States not to have transposed this Directive into their national law. The UK WEEE Regulations are now due to enter into force on 1 January 2007, with producers becoming fully responsible for waste EEE from 1 July 2007.
In announcing the new timetable, Energy Minister Malcolm Wicks said, "Electrical equipment is the fastest growing category of rubbish across the European Union, with around 20 kg per person produced every year, and the UK alone is now generating around 1million tonnes of the stuff every year [...] Manufacturers and importers will have a responsibility to ensure they plan their new and existing products to be recycled rather than dumped."
Producers, including importers, will have to comply with the main obligations and requirements of the WEEE Directive, such as marking equipment from 1 April 2007. Other significant points in the timetable for implementation for producers are as follows:
• the WEEE Regulations enter force on 1 January 2007;
• producers must make information available to treatment facilities about new EEE from 1 April
• producer compliance scheme obligations for household WEEE containing Ozone Depleting
Substances, Cathode Ray Tubes and gas discharge tubes start on 1 April 2007, with collection
through existing arrangements. Transitional arrangements apply;
• the Environment Agencies will issue producer registration numbers by 1 June 2007;
• full producer and producer compliance scheme obligations for all (household and non-household)
WEEE start on 1 July 2007;
• Producers must provide WEEE registration numbers to distributors on sale of EEE from 1 July
• take-back systems for household WEEE must be operational from 1 July 2007, including
Designated Collection Facilities (DCFs) operated by distributors.
Detailed information, please refer to: http://www.gnn.gov.uk/environment/detail.asp?ReleaseID=216704&NewsAreaID=2&NavigatedFromDepartment=False
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