IPC - Soldertec 宣佈”符合RoHS”的計畫
IPC (Association Connecting Electronic Industries) 與Soldertec Global已經宣佈一項名為”符合RoHS”的國際會議,包括整個會議計畫和展覽機會的相關細節。
◎”符合RoHS”會議 促進廠商交流
科技業、展覽品、廠商相關的一系列會議預計於2006年4月25~27日在瑞典的Malmo市舉行。以前,由於會議提供大家與國際的頂尖專家互動、交流的機會,因此,今年也不例外,而且還新增展覽區以展示符合RoHS的產品。同時,會議提供歐盟RoHS指令最新訊息,相關會議計畫與登記表格請參觀Soldertec Global網站: www.lead-free.org 。大廠的專家們將於4月26與27日連續兩天提出報告,其中包括松下集團受到高度尊重的Dr. Kenichiro ,領導松下團隊優先將第一個量產的無鉛產品成功上市,迷你光碟SJ-MJ30-S。會議第一天的演講者包括歐盟委員會、英國貿易工業部、KPMG及BSMI等。第二天由贊助商RS Components主持會議,同時將針對會議程序、最新研究以及RoHS其他材料(鉛除外)發出書面文件。另一方面,Synopsys Tech 、 Indium Corp. 、EPS 亦會於25日舉行廠商會議。
◎”符合RoHS”產品 締造銷售優勢
Soldertec Global的研發經理Kay表示”來自歐洲各國、日本及美國的詢問信件如雪花般飛來。將來,RoHS指令不僅影響歐洲,同時也會對全球市場產生作用。”此次會議不僅為企業提供最後一次機會以符合2006年7月1日起正式實施的RoHS法規,而且也提到RoHS指令未來將如何對企業造成衝擊。2006年4月底,預料會有許多不含鉛、鎘、汞、六價鉻、多溴聯苯及多溴聯苯醚的新型電子產品上市。此事件反映出一個特色:展覽櫥窗必定會大力促銷具有環保意識廠商所生產的符合RoHS產品,同時也提供给參觀者(買家)一個最好的選擇。總之,參展的廠商有機會透過不斷研發創新的產品,以展現努力成果並且保護環境及人類健康。此外,也即將為供應商和零件廠商推出桌上型展覽攤位,期望能在促銷電子產品中佔有一席之地。
參考網址: http://www.evertiq.com/newsx/read_news.aspx?newsid=3071&cat=7&nl=1
1) 肯塔基(Kentucky)的HCR 28 : 組成專案小組以評估電子廢棄物所產生之問題,以提供相關建議報告。
2) 內布拉斯加(Nebraska)的LB 1031 : 要求建立一套分擔電子產品的回收及再生之責任的系統。
3) 新罕布夏(New Hampshire)的HB1455 : 電子產品零組件必須標示製造商及標示再生零組件之相關資訊。
4) 新澤西(New Jersey)的AB 1663 & SB 554 : 要求建立電子產品的生產者責任。
5) 佛蒙特(Vermont)的HB 700 & SB 270 : 要求收集、再使用及再利用含有害物質的電子產品。
6) 密西西比(Mississippi)、紐約(New York) : 要求展開電子產品之再利用及管理的計畫。
7) 華盛頓(Washington) 的HB 2662 & SB 6428 : 主要強調生產者的責任;HB 2810 & HB 2811 : 強調再利用電子產品。
參考網址: http://www.raymond.com/state/15_1/news/3167-1.html
IPC-Solertec “RoHS Compliance” Program
IPC (Association Connecting Electronic Industries) and Soldertec Global had announced details of the full session program and exhibition opportunities for the International Conference on "RoHS Compliance".
◎”RoHS Compliance” Conference Improve to Interact
The workshops, product display and technical conference will be held at Malmo City, Sweden from April 25-27 2006. As in previous years, the conference sessions offer the opportunity to hear and interact with top international experts in the field, and this year, there are also opportunities for showing RoHS compliant products in an extended display area. The conference will provide the most up-to-date information on the EU RoHS Directive and important compliance issues to industry. The conference program and registration form can be found on the Soldertec Global website: www.lead-free.org Key industry experts will give presentations on the 26th and 27th April, including a keynote presentation from Dr. Kenichiro Suetsugu of Matsushita, the highly respected expert who led the team that successfully introduced the first mass produced lead free product into the market, the MiniDisc SJ-MJ30-S. The first days agenda includes speakers from the European Commission, the DTI of UK, KPMG, and BSI. Papers on process issues, new research and RoHS materials other than lead are being presented on day two of the conference chaired by sponsors RS Components. On the other hand, Synopsys Technology; Indium Corporation and EPS will also hold workshop sessions on the 25th April.
◎”RoHS Compliance” Products Create Sales Advantage
"We have had an overwhelming response to our call for papers, not only from contributors across Europe, but also as far a field as Japan and the Americas. Future directives affect not only Europe but have far reaching implications for the global marketplace," comments Kay Nimmo, Research Director at Soldertec Global. "This conference provides the last opportunity for industry to meet and reflect on the implications of RoHS before July 2006 and also outlines how future directives will impact upon our industry." By the end of April 2006 many new electronic products are expected to be available to the market; Pb, Cd, Hg, Cr (VI) and brominated flame retardant free. A new and totally unique feature of this event will be the availability of exhibition cabinets to allow environmentally conscious manufacturers to promote a selection of their RoHS compliant products to the visitors and buyers. Sponsorship opportunities are also available to allow companies to promote their efforts to protect the environment and human health through innovative product engineering. Tabletop exhibition space will be available for suppliers and component manufacturers wishing to take advantage of the promotional opportunities available.
Website for more information: http://www.evertiq.com/newsx/read_news.aspx?newsid=3071&cat=7&nl=1
E-Waste Takes the Lead in 2006
This year (2006) will certainly be the most intensely focused on e-waste. Already there are nineteen bills which have been introduced in eight states.
1) Kentucky’s HCR 28, create a task force to work on evaluating the problem of e-waste within the state and then report recommendations.
2) Nebraska’s LB 1031, require a system of shared responsibility to be put in place for collection and recycling of electronics.
3) New Hampshire’s HB 1455 would put manufacturers on the spot for each unit sold and would require them to label the covered electronics with information on proper recycling.
4) New Jersey’s AB 1663 and SB 554 would create producer responsibility requirements for electronics.
5) Vermont’s HB 700 and SB 270, as well which require collection, reuse, and recycling requirements for electronics which contain hazardous substances.
6) Mississippi and New York which require recycling and management plans to be instigated.
7) Washington’s HB 2662 and SB 6428, introduced producer responsibility. HB 2810 and HB 2811 focus on recycling electronics.
We concluded that as more states introduce e-waste legislation with advance recycling fees and extended producer responsibility, it is clear that national legislation will have to come into the mix to attempt to straighten it out.
Website for more information: http://www.raymond.com/state/15_1/news/3167-1.html
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