2006年7月,由美國環保署公佈的一項評量電子產品是否具有良好環境績效的工具 -『電子產品環境評估工具』(The Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool, EPEAT),可幫助大型機構(包含政府機關與私人企業)在採買綠色電子產品時做為參考指標。採用自我宣告(self-declarations)的方式,線上註冊。EPEAT為產品設計提供清楚一致的標準,為製造商提供一安全銷售識別機會,並致力於降低產品對環境衝擊。目前EPEAT涵蓋的電子產品包含桌上型電腦(desktop computers)、筆記型電腦(notebooks)和電腦螢幕(computer monitors),未來將會更進一步延伸擴展至所有電子產品。
(1) 一套環境績效評估的標準
採用IEEE 1680對個人電腦產品的環境評估標準 - 美國國家標準(American National Standard)。此標準定義了23項必要準則(required criteria)和28項選擇性準則(optional criteria)。詳細內容請參考http://www.epeat.net/Docs/Summary%20of%20EPEAT%20Criteria.pdf。
1. 減少/削減對環境有害物質的使用(Reduction/Elimination of Environmentally Sensitive Materials)。(包含3項必要準則、8項選擇性準則)
2. 原材料選擇(Material Selection)。(包含3項必要準則、3項選擇性準則)
3. 產品最終設計(Design for End of Life)。(包含5項必要準則、6項選擇性準則)
4. 延長產品生命週期(Product Longevity/ Life Extension)。(包含2項必要準則、2項選擇性準則)
5. 能源節約(Energy Conservation)。(包含1項必要準則、3項選擇性準則)
6. 產品使用後廢棄管理(End of Life Management)。(包含2項必要準則、1項選擇性準則)
7. 企業執行績效(Corporate Performance)。(包含3項必要準則、2項選擇性準則)
8. 產品包裝(Packaging)。(包含3項必要準則、4項選擇性準則)
(2) 一個識別和證明產品符合標準的系統
產品須符合所有23項必要準則 產品除須符合所有23項必要準則外,另需符合至少50%以上(14項以上)之選擇性準則 產品除須符合所有23項必要準則外,另需符合至少75%以上(21項以上)之選擇性準則
- 本翻譯僅供參考,如有疑問請以網站原文為主。-
EPEAT Introduction
The Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT) is a procurement tool to help large volume purchasers in the public and private sectors evaluate, compare, and select desktop computers, notebooks, and monitors based on their environmental attributes. The EPEAT has been announced on July 2006 by United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA).
EPEAT also provides a clear and consistent set of performance criteria for the design of products and provides an opportunity for manufacturers to secure market recognition for efforts to reduce the environmental impact of their products.
EPEAT currently covers computer desktops, laptops, and computer monitors.
Consist of EPEAT:
(1) A set of voluntary environmental performance criteria.
A set of voluntary environmental performance criteria, which is specified in the IEEE 1680 American National Standard for the Environmental Assessment of Personal Computer Products standard. The standard identifies 23 required criteria and 28 optional criteria.
Criteria of of EPEAT:
1. Reduction/Elimination of Environmentally Sensitive Materials (3 required; 8 optional)
2. Material Selection (3 required; 3 optional)
3. Design for End of Life (5 required; 6 optional)
4. Product Longevity/ Life Extension (2 required; 2 optional)
5. Energy Conservation (1 required; 3 optional)
6. End of Life Management (2 required; 1 optional)
7. Corporate Performance (3 required; 2 optional)
8. Packaging (3 required; 4 optional)
(2) A system for identifying and verifying products meeting the criteria.
Product meets all required criteria.
(*23 required criteria )
Product meets all required criteria plus at least 50% of the optional criteria that apply to the product type being registered.
(*23 required criteria plus 14 optional criteria (at least)) Product meets all required criteria plus at least 75% of the optional criteria that apply to the product type being registered.
(*23 required criteria plus 21 optional criteria (at least))
Source: 《EPEAT website in USA》
Detailed information, please refer to http://www.epeat.net/
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