今年5月4日,英國政府公佈關於實施《WEEE指令》的諮詢文件-WEEE Informal Consultation。文件列出英國政府有關推行指令所做的決定,以及其餘尚待議定的範疇。
◎ 四項符合性計畫 以便生產商參與
◎ WEEE分類系統 提出二大方案
大型家庭電器 (受臭氧層減損物質規例管制的除外)
◎ 其他相關範疇
- 本翻譯僅供參考,如有疑問請以網站原文為主。-
資料來源: 《香港貿發局 歐盟商情快訊網站》
(02) 2299-3279 Ext. 3102~3124 (業務客服組)
或請參考SGS之 WEEE服務。
UK publishes conclusions for implementation of WEEE legislation
On 4 May 2006, the UK Government published a consultation document in the next stage of its implementation of the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive. The documents set out the Government's conclusions with regard to implementation, and signal the remaining areas where decisions are still to be consulted upon or finalised. These conclusions provide producers and importers with advance warning of the manner in which the UK intends to implement this significant instrument of EU legislation and how they will be expected to demonstrate compliance.
The Government's conclusions state that producer compliance schemes are to be introduced. In particular, four types of scheme are to be put in place: private schemes comprising one producer; closed schemes for particular trading groups (e.g., mobile phones or automatic dispensers); cluster schemes for regional or small producers; and fully open and non-discriminatory schemes which represent a significant part of the market.
Importantly for Hong Kong traders, it has been confirmed that all producers placing electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) onto the UK market will be required to register annually via an approved compliance scheme with the appropriate UK agency (the Environment Agency for England and Wales, the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency for Scotland and the Environment and Heritage Service for Northern Ireland). Each scheme will also be required to report data to the appropriate agency.
Business to Business (B2B) producer obligations for WEEE are also detailed, with producers to be responsible for all B2B EEE placed on the market after 13 August 2005, and all B2B EEE placed on the market before that date which is being replaced on a like for like basis or with an item of similar use. Producers may choose to contract with business customers to discharge their WEEE responsibilities on their behalf.
Options are also put forward for a system for the categorisation of WEEE, following concerns that the calculation of producer obligations would be based on single tonnage figures which do not take the costs of different waste management requirements for different types of WEEE into account. This point is highly relevant to Hong Kong producers, as financial obligations will be partly based on the categories decided on.
The following two options are being considered:
‧Option 1, a system based on the following five categories:
-- large household appliances except those subject to ozone depleting substance regulations;
-- large household appliances subject to ozone depleting substance regulations;
-- TVs and monitors;
-- fluorescent tubes; and
-- all other WEEE.
‧Option 2, a system which mirrors the targets and category groupings set out in Article 7 of the WEEE Directive:
-- large household appliances and automatic dispensers;
-- IT and telecommunications equipment and consumer equipment;
-- small household appliances, lighting equipment, electrical and electronic tools (with the exception of large-scale stationary industrial tools) and monitoring and control instruments; and
-- fluorescent tubes.
The 4 May 2006 consultation document introduces an administrative timeline for compliance, which sets out the timing of pre-compliance preparation, compliance and post-compliance which producer schemes will need to follow.
The conclusions published to date also include the following:
‧the setting up of approved compliance schemes for retailers, establishing a network of designated collection facilities;
‧a system for calculating producers' obligations under the WEEE Directive;
‧a system for allocating WEEE to producer schemes;
‧agreed protocols to allow producers to demonstrate that they have achieved recycling targets in a cost-effective way;
‧distributor obligations;
‧a voluntary approach for producers to show the cost of handling historical WEEE.
Source: 《Tdctrade in Hong Kong Website》
For more details, please view at UK’s Department of Trade and Industry website:
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