歐盟各國RoHS及WEEE罰則說明 (三)
● 違反RoHS。
處以最高EUR(歐元) 50,000罰款。違規情況嚴重者,罰款金額亦較高。
● 違反WEEE。
處以最高EUR(歐元) 50,000罰款。違規情況嚴重者,罰款金額亦較高。
● 違反全國RoHS及WEEE法例。
● 違反RoHS。
最高罰款EUR(歐元) 1,500。
● 違反WEEE。
● 違反RoHS。
最高罰款EUR(歐元) 100,000。違規情況嚴重者,罰款金額亦較高。
● 違反WEEE。
※ 經銷商未提供免費回收之承諾。
每件罰款EUR(歐元) 400。
※ 生產者未安排適當專業收集(collection) 、處理(treatment)、回收(recovery)、財務(finance)
最高處罰EUR(歐元) 100,000。
※ 2005.08.13後,生產者未提供財務擔保。
每次上市產品處罰EUR(歐元) 1,000。
※ 生產者未提供EEE資訊之指導手冊。
最高處罰EUR(歐元) 5,000。
※ 生產者未以手冊或電子媒體形式提供資訊給回收商、處理廠等。
最高處罰EUR(歐元) 30,000。
※ 2005.08.13後,產品未提供資訊或標示即上市。
每件罰款EUR(歐元) 1,000。
※ 生產者未經註冊即上市EEE產品。
最高處罰EUR(歐元) 100,000。
※ 指令實施後,生產者如未向主管機關申報。
最高處罰EUR(歐元) 20,000。
● 違反RoHS。
罰款EUR(歐元) 40~400萬和/或監禁3日至3年。違規情況嚴重者,罰款金額亦較高。
※ 生產者若未在電子及電器設備標示名稱。
罰款EUR(歐元) 6.25~250。
● 違反WEEE。
監禁最高5年,罰款可逾EUR(歐元) 25萬。違規情況嚴重者,罰款金額亦較高。
● 違反盧森堡的RoHS及WEEE法例。
監禁8天至6個月,及罰款EUR(歐元) 62~123,950,兩年內再犯者,刑罰加倍。違規情況嚴重者,罰款金額亦較高。
- 本翻譯僅供參考,如有疑問請以網站原文為主。-
資料來源: 《英國Perchards網站》《香港貿發網》《各國政府及European Environmental Agency網站》
RoHS and WEEE Penalties for EU Member States (3)
The current implementation status and penalties of Directive 2002/96/EC on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) and Directive 2002/95/EC on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (RoHS) will be of interest to businesses importing electronic goods into the EU. We are continuing to provide reports in this and forthcoming issues on eventually all 25 Member States. The following text provides an update of the current situation with penalties in Germany, Estonia, France, Italy, Belgium and Luxembourg:
Penalties - Producers who fail to comply with the major obligations for dealing with WEEE may be fined up to 50,000 euros. If a producer seriously violates his obligation to pick up WEEE from collection points when requested to do so by the EAR, or does not present an adequate guarantee, his registration may be withdrawn, leading to a prohibition on sales.
Penalties - Non-compliance with the national RoHS and WEEE legislation is subject to a fine of up to 50,000 Kroons (approximately EUR3,200). Higher fines may be invoked where the breach of the relevant provisions is deemed sufficiently serious or in light of aggravating circumstances.
Penalties - The Decree also provides for penalties in case producers or distributors do not comply with the obligations which are imposed by the Decree. The penalties vary depending on the type of breach.
Penalties - The Italian legislation provides for fines where some of its provisions are breached. In particular:
• distributors who do not provide a guarantee that the EEE can be returned to them free of charge may be subject to fines of up to 400 euro (per unit of EEE);
• producers who do not make arrangements for adequate separate professional WEEE collection systems, treatment, recovery, and financing procedures, may be subject to fines of up to 100,000 euro;
• producers who do not provide a financial guarantee by 13 August 2005 may be subject to fines of up to 1,000 euro (per unit of EEE put on the market);
• producers who do not include in the user instructions of EEE the information provided for in the Italian legislation may be subject to fines of up to 5,000 euro;
• producers who do not make available to reuse centres, treatment and recycling facilities, in the form of manuals or by means of electronic media, the information provided for by the Italian legislation may be subject to fines of up to 30,000 euro;
• producers who, after 13 August 2005, put on the market EEE without the indication and the mark provided for by the Italian legislation, may be subject to fines of up to 1,000 euro (per EEE);
• producers who put on the market EEE before they register with the Chambers of Commerce may be subjected to fines of up to 100,000 euro; and
• after the full implementation of the Directive, producers who do not notify the information provided for by the Italian legislation to the national Register of persons in charge of the management of WEEE may be subject to fines of up to 20,000 euro.
Penalties - The Law of 21 December 1998 on the product norms for the encouragement of sustainable production and consumption patterns and to protect the environment and the public health provides for criminal sanctions for infringement of the Belgian RoHS legislation which depend on the nature and the gravity of the infringement. The penalties vary from fines of between EUR 40 and EUR 4,000,000 and/or a term of imprisonment of between three days and three years. Where a producer fails to indicate his identity on the EEE, the Belgian RoHS Decree provides that he will be sanctioned in accordance with the Law of 14 July 1991 on Trade Practices and Information to and Protection of the Consumer. Article 102 of this Law provides that a trader omitting to provide the information imposed by law on the labelling shall be punished by a fine ranging from circa EUR6.25 to EUR250. Depending on the circumstances, other sanctions may also be applied. General penalty provisions apply to the WEEE legislation, as set out in the general Decree of 2 July 1981. This provides for a term of imprisonment of up to 5 years and fines which can exceed EUR250,000.
Penalties - Penalties under Luxembourg's WEEE and RoHS legislation include: eight days to six months imprisonment and/or a EUR62 to EUR123,950 fine; double this fine and/or imprisonment term if the offence is repeated within two years of judgment. There is a legislative review in progress to include the possibility of confiscation of all business-linked material or the withdrawal of business authorisation in Luxembourg.
Source: 《UK’s Perchards Website》《Business Alert - EU in Tdctrade Website》《European Environment Agency Website》
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