1) 黏著劑厚層中的鎘及氧化鎘,於2008年1月1日以前使用在氧化鈹的基質;
2) 經過四氧化鉛等高溫及硫磺處理過的丁基橡膠材質內襯,使用在鋁電解電容器;
3) 夏普 LQ104X2LX11 (以前的富士通FLC26XGC6R-01) ;
4) 石英水晶共振器,使用在瑞士精密鐘錶工業;
5) 光電零組件中的鎘;
6) 含鉛錫焊料的變換器,使用在專業喇叭系統;
7) 鉛錫焊料,使用在製造專業音響設備;
8) 零件使用在製造Hog1000,Hog500, Event500, Event416, Event408, ESP2-24及ESP2-48照明設備;
9) 含鉛錫焊料的特殊模組件,使用在專業設備;
10) 含鉛錫焊料的特殊ICS產品,使用在專業設備;
11) 鎘汞碲化物;
12) 巴璧德合金內襯軸承中的鉛
13) 鎘合金,如同電子焊料連接變換器內部聲音線圈的電子導體,使用在高功率喇叭中;
14) 含鉛的易熔熱自動開關器,必須使用在正常運轉溫度超過140℃及實際運轉至少3萬小時;
15) 無汞儀錶板上的燈;
16) 電子設備的可靠度、耐久度及設備的長壽是主要的;
17) 半紅/黃銅 C84400, 81-3-7-9或類似的黃銅材料,使用在收音機中的次數非常頻繁;
18) 銅合金中的鉛含量不超過總重量的6~8 ﹪,必須使用在鑄造及機械技能方面;
19) 電子設備焊料中的鉛,使用在維護人類健康與安全的監視器、電視產品、專業和私人領域中的
20) 由Xilinx製造的含鉛焊料FPGA設備,使用在儀器的電鍍鍍層;
21) 焊接玻璃原料的氧化鉛,使用在製造氬氪雷射套管的玻璃窗配件;
22) 電腦讀卡機(產品: GemSelf700-MS2, GCR700-3ZS, Vodafone D2, GCR760 及GemSelf750 SV);
23) 含汞或含氧化鉛的焊接玻璃原料,使用在Babcock DC離子顯示器。
資料來源: http://europa.eu.int/comm/environment/waste/rohs_5_consult.htm
◎ HP提供免費回收WEEE
自3月18日起,Lambeth區的居民可享有免費的機會,將家中電子產品回收至Lambeth議會的資源回收再利用中心。HP認為該回收活動不僅做了良好示範,也是英國實施電子電器廢料(WEEE)指令前的WEEE試驗活動。此外,加入該回收活動行列的尚包括: Recycle Western Riverside, London Remade, 地方議會以及電子加工業者Technowaste。另一方面,HP表示該回收活動不僅僅提供電腦設備的回收,也包括任何可插電的廢棄、毀損的電子設備。其中,電子設備範圍非常廣泛,包含電視螢幕,烤土司機,水壺,收音機,錄放影機以及電玩遊戲機等。
◎ Technowaste進行資源回收再利用
除此之外,所有電子設備收集至該回收地點後,將統一由電子加工業者Technowaste位於英國西南部的艾塞克斯郡的回收地點進行資源回收再利用。一旦英國實施歐盟的電子電器廢料指令以後,地方政府的回收地點均須提供免費電子廢料分類回收的服務,而且零售商需負責回收廢料的費用。因此,HP的環保部經理,Bruno Zago 表示:『該回收活動是一次非常棒的機會,同時也藉此證明回收廢棄電子產品一點也不難,而且完全不需支付任何費用,它是免費的。』此外,Bruno Zago也表示, HP很榮幸可提供消費者使用地方回收場所的機會,並且完全免費地回收電子產品。 同時,HP已設定回收目標, 2007年電子產品的回收量預計將達到45萬公噸。
資料來源: http://www.letsrecycle.com/legislation/news.jsp?story=5422
5th Consultation on RoHS Exemptions
The European Union Commission has launched the 5th consultation on RoHS exemptions and 15 May 2006 is deadline. The stakeholders are requested to comment on the exemptions listed in this consultation document and to respond to the four questions with as much detail as possible. Interested parties are invited to send their comments by 15 May 2006 at the latest by e-mail to ENV-RoHS@cec.eu.int or by post to European Commission. The titles for the exemptions as submitted by industry and the request for exemptions are as below:
1. Cadmium and cadmium oxide in thick film pastes used on beryllium oxide substrates until January 1, 2008;
2. Gaskets of butyl rubber material vulcanised with chinondioxim and lead tetraoxide, for use in Aluminium
Electrolytic Capacitors;
3. Sharp LQ104X2LX11 (formerly Fujitsu FLC26XGC6R-01);
4. Quartz Crystal Resonator and in Fine Pitch Electronics Systems used in the Swiss Watch Industry;
5. Cadmium in opto- electronic components;
6. Transducers used in professional loudspeaker systems, using tin-lead solder;
7. Tin-lead solder in the manufacture of professional audio equipment;
8. Components used in the manufacture of the Hog1000, Hog500, Event416, Event408, ESP2-24 and ESP2-48 lighting control consoles;
9. Specific modular units, including tin-lead solder, being used in special professional equipment;
10. Inventory of special ICS having tin-lead solder on/in leads/balls, used in specialist/professional equipment;
11. Cadmium Mercury Telluride;
12. Lead contained in Babbit lined bearings;
13. Cadmium alloys as electrical/mechanical solder joints to electrical conductors located directly on the voice
coil in transducers used in high-powered loudspeakers;
14. Thermal cutoff with a fusible element that contains lead (and possibly cadmium, mercury and hexavalent
chromium) for applications where normal operating temperature exceeds 140 C and reliable, predictable,
operation for a minimum of 30,000 hours is required;
15. Mercury free flat panel lamp;
16. Electronic equipment where the reliability, durability and longevity of the equipment is paramount;
17. Semi Red Brass C84400, 81-3-7-9 or a similar Brass material. Used on radio frequency line sections;
18. Lead is used as an alloy to the copper in 6 to 8 % by weight. Needed for casting and machinability
19. Lead in solders for electronic equipments used for the monitoring, the protection and the safety of people in healthcare, telecare and emergency calls domains in professional and private sectors;
20. FPGA devices manufactured by Xilinx (XC5202-6VQ100C, XC4003E-3VQ100C and XC4013E-3PQ240C) containing lead solder (Pb) used in the plating of the device terminations;
21. Lead oxide in seal frit used for making window assemblies for argon and krypton laser tubes;
22. Smart card readers (product: GemSelf700-MS2, GCR700-3ZS, Vodafone D2 , GCR760 and GemSelf750
23. Use of mercury in Babcock’s DC plasma displays and use of Lead Oxide (PbO) in Babcock’s DC plasma
displays frit seal.
Source: http://europa.eu.int/comm/environment/waste/rohs_5_consult.htm
HP and Valpak to run recycling event for waste electronics
Electronics producer Hewlett Packard is working with WEEE pre-compliance scheme Valpak to offer residents in Lambeth the chance to recycle their electronic waste free of charge.
◎ Free of Charge to Recycle WEEE
This Saturday (March 18), residents will be given the opportunity to return their domestic electronic goods free of charge to Lambeth council's recycling and reuse centre on Vale Street, West Norwood. Hewlett Packard has said that this event will be a trial run ahead of the UK's implementation of the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive. Also involved in the project is Recycle Western Riverside, London Remade, the
local council and electronics reprocessor Technowaste. Hewlett Packard has said that it is not just offering the take back of computer equipment, with any unwanted or broken equipment with a plug accepted. Other items that can be recycled include TV monitors, toasters, kettles, radios, video recorders and games consoles.
◎ Technowaste take responsibility for recycling
All of the equipment collected on the site will be taken away to be recycled by Technowaste at its site in Basildon, Essex. Once Europe's Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive comes into force in the UK, most local authority civic amenity sites are likely to offer free separate collection of electronic waste, funded by retailers. Bruno Zago, environmental manager for HP, said: "This event is a great opportunity to show people how easy it is to recycle old electrical items, at no cost. HP is delighted to be involved in giving the consumers the chance to use the local facilities to recycle their electrical goods." Hewlett Packard has set itself a target of recycling 450,000 tonnes of electronic products by 2007.
Source: http://www.letsrecycle.com/legislation/news.jsp?story=5422
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