SONY SS-00259第五版已於2006.02.01正式出爐
◎SS-00259 5th 特別指出禁用物質:十溴聯苯醚 (DecaBDE)
◎SS-00259 5th 增修之禁用範圍及禁用日期:
1) 有關鉛及鉛化合物
2) 有關聚氯乙烯 (PVC) 及 聚氯乙烯混合物
3) 有關汞、鎘應用於電池方面
詳細內容請參照下列網址- SS-00259第五版(中、英文版):
愛爾蘭Boots Retail 已經成為歐盟第一家因違反電子電器設備廢棄物( WEEE )法規遭起訴的公司。
愛爾蘭的Boots Retail公司於2006年1月23日因違反電子電器設備廢棄物( WEEE )法規遭到環保署的控訴。此樁違反該指令的案件不僅是愛爾蘭,同時也是歐盟的首例。該法規是由歐盟的WEEE指令轉化而成愛爾蘭國內的法令,並且已於2005年8月13日生效。
◎Boots Retail公司違法的情節及罰款事宜
該案件由愛爾蘭的Wexford地方法院負責審理,除此之外,Boots Retail公司也承認違反WEEE法規。該公司違法的情節及罰款之相關事宜如下:
4) Boots Retail公司違反了愛爾蘭的WEEE法規第16條之12款的要求。
5) Boots Retail公司被判處罰金 € 1,200,同時,訴訟費用 € 6,865判給獲勝訴的環保署。
最後,環保署的企劃經理Gerry Byrne 博士為此起訴案件做出總評,他表示”WEEE法規確實有益於消費者和大環境。此外,未遵守法規的企業與遵守法規的零售商相形之下,明顯處於一種不利的競爭劣勢。”
Sony SS-00259 5th version released on Feb 01, 2006
Sony Guideline SS-00259 5th version had already released by Feb 01, 2006. However, compared with their last 4th version, there is no remarkable change about SGS current testing operation for Sony related order, but some remarks are deserved to be viewed. Thus, the highlight of the revisions are as below.
◎SS-00259 5th version indicate specially the Controlled Substance: Decabromodiphenyl ether (DecaBDE)
◎SS-00259 5th version revised banned targets and banned date for Controlled Substances:
1) Lead and lead compounds
2) Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and PVC blends
3) Mercury (Hg)、Cadmium (Cd) applied to batteries
Moreover, please view the details for SS-00259 5th on Chinese & English version:
Website for more information:
First WEEE Prosecution Carried Out
Boots Retail in Ireland has become the first company in the European Union to be prosecuted for offences under the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Regulations.
◎First WEEE Prosecution in Ireland or in the EU
On 23 January 2006 Boots Retail (Ireland) Ltd pleaded guilty to charges brought by the Environmental Protection Agency in relation to offences under the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Regulations 2005.
This is the first case to be taken under these Regulations in Ireland or in the EU. The Regulations were made to bring the EU WEEE Directive into Irish law and became effective on 13th August 2005.
◎Offences and Penalty details for Boots Retail
The case was heard at Wexford District Court and the company admitted breaching the Regulations as below:
1) Failing to maintain a specified notice in-store alerting customers to the fact that prices include a contribution to a Producer Recycling Fund to ensure that WEEE is collected and recycled in a responsible manner.
2) Failing to include in an advertisement offering electrical and electronic equipment the contribution to be made to a Producer Recycling Fund as well as the net price, as required by the Regulations. The advertisement was published in the Irish Times on 27th October 2005.
3) Failure to comply with the requirements of the Regulations has the potential to reduce the amount of waste electrical and electronic equipment that can be collected and diverted from landfill.
4) Fines of €1,200 were imposed and costs of €6,865 were awarded to the EPA.
◎Failure to Comply with the Regulations Companies lie in a competitive disadvantage
Commenting on the prosecution Dr Gerry Byrne, Programme Manager, EPA said, "The WEEE Regulations are consumer-friendly and environment-friendly and in failing to comply with the Regulations companies put compliant retailers at a competitive disadvantage."
Website for more information:
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