2009年9月20日 星期日

10232006 歐盟公告新電池指令: 2006/66/EC

歐盟公告新電池指令: 2006/66/EC

歐盟委員會已於2006年9月26日正式公告第2006/66/EC號「電池、蓄電池、廢電池及廢蓄電池」指令,並自2008年9月26日起廢止現行之第91/157/EEC號「含有某些危險物質之電池和蓄電池」指令。此指令主要目的為調和各會員國關於電池、蓄電池、廢電池及廢蓄電池之措施,減少電池、蓄電池、廢電池及廢蓄電池對環境造成的負面衝擊,因而促進地球環境之維護。為了達成上述目標,此指令提出禁止銷售某些含有危害物質電池之措施,同時也規定會員國應制定回收體系以達成電池回收目標之最高標準。另外,此指令也規定生產者有關電池標示以及電池易於拆除之設計…等責任。歐盟各會員國必須於2008 年9月26日以前將此指令轉化為其國內法令。


1. 指令目的

2. 適用範圍

3. 禁止銷售
根據第四條規定自2008 年9月26日起,會員國應禁止下列電池置於市場銷售:
 鎘含量超過0.002 ﹪的攜帶式電池或蓄電池 (使用於緊急警報系統、醫療設備以及無線電動工具者除外);
 汞含量超過0.0005 ﹪的所有電池或蓄電池 (汞含量小於2﹪的鈕扣電池除外)。

4. 回收目標
根據第十條規定,會員國應於此指令實施後之第5年首次統計廢電池及廢蓄電池之「回收率(collection rate)。會員國應達成下列「最小回收率」(minimum collection rates):
 應於2012年9月26日之前達成25﹪(按當年度回收量除以電池過去三年之平均銷售量計)。
 應於2016年9月26日之前達成45﹪。

5. 處理與回收
根據第十二條規定,會員國應確保於2009年9月26日之前,生產者或第三者應以保護人類健康及地球環境為前提,建立廢電池及廢蓄電池之「處理與回收」(Treatment and Recycling)體系,關於「處理與回收」的規範須符合此指令附件三之規定。另外,依照電池分類而言,會員國應於2010年9月26日之前達成下列各種類電池之「最小回收率」(minimum recycling efficiencies):
 鎳鎘電池及蓄電池(nickel-cadmium batteries and accumulators)應達成75﹪(按平均重量計)。
 鉛酸電池及蓄電池(lead-acid batteries and accumulators)應達成65﹪。
 其它廢電池及蓄電池(other waste batteries and accumulators)應達成50﹪。

6. 財務責任

7. 登記制度

8. 標示
 會員國應確保所有電池、蓄電池及電池組適當標示此指令附件二的符號(垃圾桶畫叉) 。
 會員國應確保所有電池及蓄電池自2009年9月26日起提供易於辨識之「容量」標示。
 鎘含量超過0.002 ﹪、鉛含量超過0.004 ﹪及汞含量超過0.0005 ﹪的電池、蓄電池及鈕扣電池應標示重金屬之化學符號:Cd, Pb or Hg。化學符號應印刷於此指令附件二之垃圾桶畫叉標示下方。

9. 罰則

10. 過渡

11. 廢止日期

12. 生效日期

- 本翻譯僅供參考,如有疑問請以網站原文為主。-

資料來源:《2006年9月26日歐盟第L 266/1號官方公報》

New European Union Battery Directive Now In Effect: 2006/66/EC

European Union Commission has announced DIRECTIVE 2006/66/EC on batteries and accumulators and waste batteries and accumulators on 26 September 2006. Furthermore, Directive 91/157/EEC will be repealed with effect from 26 September 2008. The Directive 2006/66/EC aims at minimizing the negative impacts of batteries and accumulators on the environment and also harmonizing requirements for the smooth functioning of the internal market. To achieve these objectives, the Directive introduces measures to prohibit the marketing of some batteries containing hazardous substances. It contains measures for establishing schemes aiming at high level of collection and recycling of batteries with quantified collection and recycling targets. The Directive sets out minimum rules for producer responsibility and provisions with regard to labelling of batteries and their removability from equipment. Member States shall bring into force the laws necessary to comply with this Directive by 26 September 2008.
The highlight of this Directive listed below:
1. Purpose
According to the Article 1, this Directive aims at establishing rules regarding a prohibition on the placing on the market of batteries and accumulators containing hazardous substances; and specific rules for the collection, treatment, recycling and disposal of waste batteries and accumulators to supplement relevant Community legislation on waste and to promote a high level of collection and recycling of waste batteries and accumulators.
2. Scope
According to the Article 2, This Directive shall apply to all types of batteries and accumulators, regardless of their shape, volume, weight, material composition or use. It shall apply without prejudice to Directives 2000/53/EC and 2002/96/EC.
3. Prohibitions
According to the Article 4, Member States shall prohibit the placing on the market of following batteries and accumulators from 26 September 2008:
 portable batteries or accumulators, including those incorporated into appliances, that contain more than 0,002 % of cadmium by weight. (excluding for use in (a) emergency and alarm systems, including emergency lighting; (b) medical equipment; or (c) cordless power tools.)
 all batteries or accumulators, whether or not incorporated into appliances, that contain more than 0,0005 % of mercury by weight. (excluding the button cells with a mercury content of no more than 2 % by weight.)
4. Collection targets
According to the Article 10, Member States shall calculate the collection rate for the first time in respect of the fifth full calendar year following the entry into force of this Directive. Member States shall achieve the following minimum collection rates:
 25 % by 26 September 2012.
 45 % by 26 September 2016.
5. Treatment and recycling
According to the Article 12, Member States shall ensure that producers or third parties set up schemes to provide for the treatment and recycling of waste batteries and accumulators no later than 26 September 2009. Treatment shall meet the minimum requirements set out in Annex III, Part A. Recycling processes shall achieve the following minimum recycling efficiencies no later than 26 September 2010:
 recycling of 75 % by average weight of nickel-cadmium batteries and accumulators;
 recycling of 65 % by average weight of lead-acid batteries and accumulators;
 recycling of 50 % by average weight of other waste batteries and accumulators.
6. Financing
According to the Article 16, Member States shall ensure that producers, or third parties acting on their behalf, finance any net costs arising from the collection, treatment and recycling of all waste portable batteries and accumulators.
7. Registration
According to the Article 17, Member States shall ensure that each producer is registered.
8. Labelling
According to the Article 21, Member States shall ensure that producers provide visible symbol and mark for end-users as below:
 Member States shall ensure that all batteries, accumulators and battery packs are appropriately marked with the symbol shown in Annex II (crossed out wheeled bin ).
 Member States shall ensure that the capacity of all portable and automotive batteries and accumulators is indicated on them in a visible, legible and indelible form by 26 September 2009.
 Batteries, accumulators and button cells containing more than 0,002 % cadmium, more than 0,004 % lead or more than 0,0005 % mercury, shall be marked with the chemical symbol for the metal concerned: Cd, Pb or Hg.
9. Penalties
According to the Article 25, Member States shall lay down rules on penalties applicable to infringements of national provisions adopted pursuant to this Directive and shall take all necessary measures to ensure that they are implemented.
10. Transposition
According to the Article 26, Member States shall bring into force the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with this Directive by 26 September 2008.
11. Repeal
According to the Article 28, Directive 91/157/EEC is repealed with effect from 26 September 2008.
12. Entry into force
According to the Article 29, this Directive shall enter into force on the day of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union (26 September 2006).

Source:《Official Journal of the European Union L 266/1, 26 September 2006》
Detailed information for EU Directive 2006/66/EC, please refer to

