歐盟各國RoHS及WEEE罰則說明 (一)
歐盟在2003 年正式公佈了《電子及電器設備廢棄物處理法》(WEEE)及《限用六大有害物質》( RoHS)等指令。其會員國被要求於2005年8月13日前建立WEEE回收系統,而RoHS則針對六大有害物質( 鉛、鎘、汞、六價鉻、PBB及PBDE )加以限制,以確保產品使用者的身體健康,並已於今年7月1日正式生效。
◎ 匈牙利
● 違反匈牙利RoHS法例。
● 違反匈牙利WEEE法例。
罰款HUF(匈牙利福林) 25,000~350,000。違規情況嚴重者,罰款金額亦較高。
※ 生產者未執行取回(Take-back)責任。
罰款HUF(匈牙利福林) 350,000。
※ 生產者未執行分配(distribution),收集(collection)責任。
罰款HUF(匈牙利福林) 25,000。
※ 生產者未執行收集(receiving),最終處置(disposal)責任。
罰款HUF(匈牙利福林) 300,000。
※ 生產者未能完成提供報告及資料呈報責任。
罰款HUF(匈牙利福林) 200,000。
◎ 西班牙
● 違反RoHS及WEEE。
1. 將受刑事及行政制裁:包括撤銷進行廢料管理活動的資格,為期長至10年;臨時或永久關閉整所或部分廢料管理設施或廠房;撤銷授權,為期長至10年。
2. 最高處以罰款EUR(歐元) 1,202,000萬。
◎ 荷蘭
● 違反RoHS及WEEE。
1. 刑事處罰:罰款EUR(歐元) 450,000,沒收及扣押產品。
2. 行政處罰:依情節嚴重性處罰,罰款可能比行政處罰還高。
◎ 波蘭
● 違反RoHS。
罰款EUR(歐元) 5~1,250,不符合產品下市。違規情況嚴重者,罰款金額亦較高。
● 違反WEEE。
※ 生產者對於上市之EEE產品未註冊或回收業者未盡責任。
罰款EUR(歐元) 1,250~125,000。
※ 生產者未執行取回(Take-back)責任及提供報告。
罰款EUR(歐元) 5~1,250。
◎ 愛爾蘭
● 違反Waste Management Acts (RoHS & WEEE)。
最高處以EUR(歐元) 15,000,000和/或監禁10年。違規情況嚴重者,罰款金額亦較高。
◎ 希臘
● 違反RoHS及WEEE。
1. 刑事:監禁3年和/或罰款EUR(歐元) 300~3,000。
2. 若非蓄意違反:監禁1年和/或罰款EUR(歐元) 450~900。
3. 民事:負責的相關人員應負賠償金,除非能證明其損害為其他團體導致。
4. 行政(地方政府):罰款EUR(歐元) 300~3,000,關閉5天,關閉期間若不符合每天罰款EUR(歐元) 600~3,000。
5. 行政(中央政府):罰款EUR(歐元) 3,000~150,000,關閉5天或永久關閉,關閉期間若不符合每天罰款 600~3,000。
6. 違規情況嚴重者,罰款金額亦較高。
- 本翻譯僅供參考,如有疑問請以網站原文為主。-
資料來源: 《英國Perchards網站》《香港貿發網》《各國政府及European Environmental Agency網站》
RoHS and WEEE Penalties for EU Member States (1)
The current implementation status and penalties of Directive 2002/96/EC on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) and Directive 2002/95/EC on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (RoHS) will be of interest to businesses importing electronic goods into the EU. We are continuing to provide reports in this and forthcoming issues on eventually all 25 Member States. The following text provides an update of the current situation with penalties in Hungary, Spain, Poland, the Netherlands, Ireland and Greece:
◎ Hungary :
Penalties -- Penalties under the Hungarian WEEE legislation include fines from 25,000 HUF to 350,000 HUF. Penalties are imposed for failure to fulfil or adequately fulfil obligations with regard to the take-back (maximum fine of 350,000 HUF), distribution, collection (maximum fine of 25,000 HUF), reception, disposal (maximum fine of 300,000 HUF) of WEEE and data reporting (maximum fine of 200,000 HUF). If the general prohibition under the Hungarian RoHS legislation is breached, a waste management fine will be imposed.
◎ Spain :
Penalties -- Criminal and administrative sanctions can be imposed for breach of the Decree. These include: fines of up to £á 1,202,000 for serious infringements; the disqualification of a person from carrying out waste management activities for up to ten years; the temporary or definitive closing of the whole or part of waste management facilities or factories; and the withdrawal or the suspension of authorisations for up to ten years.
◎ The Netherlands :
Penalties -- Scope for enforcement exists under both administrative and criminal law. The powers provided for in Part 18 of the Environmental Management Act may be used for administrative enforcement (involving, for example, administrative coercion or penalties). Infringement of these regulations is punishable under the Economic Offences Act. Thus, for example, fines may be imposed if a business does not comply with the regulations.
◎ Poland :
Penalties -- Infringements of the Polish RoHS and WEEE legislation are subject to fines and criminal penalties. Traders should be watchful of complying with the rules, as fines/penalties may vary in accordance with the gravity of the infringement.
◎ Ireland :
Penalties -- The maximum penalties under the Waste Management Acts are a fine not exceeding EUR15,000,000, or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years, or both, for failure to comply with the regulations.
◎ Greece :
Penalties -- Failure to comply with Greek WEEE & RoHS Regulations will result in three different set of penalties: criminal, civil and administrative:
Criminal penalties Imprisonment of up to three years and/or a fine ranging from a minimum of EUR 300 to a maximum of EUR 3,000.
If the relevant violations were not intentional: imprisonment of up to one years and/or a fine ranging from a minimum of EUR 450 to a maximum of EUR 900
Civil penalties Every person responsible will have to pay the relevant compensation unless he can prove that the damage was attributable to force majeure or to an intentional act of a third party.
Administrative penalties 1. By the head of the relevant Prefecture:
a. Fine ranging from a minimum of EUR 300 to a maximum of EUR 3,000.
b. Provisional closure for a time period up to 5 days.
2. By the Minister of the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works:
a. Fine ranging from a minimum of EUR 3,000 to a maximum of EUR 150,000.
b. Provisional closure for a time period exceeding 5 days.
c. Permanent closure
In addition to b and c, a daily fine ranging from a minimum of EUR 600 to a maximum of EUR 3,000 is provided in case of non-compliance with the order of closure.
Source: 《UK’s Perchards Website》《Business Alert - EU in Tdctrade Website》《European Environment Agency Website》
2009年9月20日 星期日
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