有鑒於市面上偽造SGS檢測報告的問題層出不窮,SGS基於企業的責任與義務,及維護廣大客戶的權益,已於2006年1月1日起於「綠色產品資訊平台(Restricted Substances Testing and Services)」開放”檢測報告查核”的功能;相關訊息請連結網址:「會員專區」參觀查詢。歡迎各位先進立即線上申請加入RSTS會員(免入會費)。
1) MCR265-10 SCR應用於半導體相關業。
2) NEC V55 零件。
3) 應用於超過10年使用期限的樂器中電子零件之焊料的鉛。
4) 應用於大型防護儀器中的鉛焊錫合金。
5) 含鉛錫焊料的特殊IC應用於專業設備中的鉛。
6) 專業喇叭的轉換器中電子焊料的鉛合金。
7) 至少需運轉30,000小時於150 ℃高溫以上之焊料的鉛。
8) 專業音響設備製造過程中使用的鉛錫焊料。
9) 專業模組件應用於專業設備中的鉛錫焊料。
10) 電子真空管中的鉛。
11) 家庭烹調使用的瓦斯爐開關之鋁的含鉛量。
12) 迅速熱黏接以外的電接點之鎘和鎘化合物以及銷售和使用91/338/EC指令禁用範圍以外之特定危險物質的鎘電鍍層中的鎘。
13) 1/07/06前上市的電玩娛樂機器的回收零件中焊料的鉛。
14) 非消費性產品之零配件焊料的鉛,需提供上述零組件於1/07/06前的採購合約證明以及確定將應用於1/07/06前上市的電子電器設備的模型之中。
15) 銷售和使用91/338/EC指令禁用範圍以外之特定危險物質的鎘電鍍層中的鎘。
微軟(Microsoft)、皇帝Permanente(Kaiser Permanente)以及瑰柏翠(Crabtree& Evelyn)..等已經加入大型廠商的迅速成長行列,藉由淘汰PVC塑膠產品(polyvinyl chloride or vinyl)以證明他們非常關心其產品和包裝材料對環境方面的健康所造成之影響。PVC是世界上第二暢銷的塑膠產品,有害的化學物質常被添加於此一普遍被使用的材料之中。研究顯示PVC化學物質的製造和使用對於再生、免疫系統的損害及氣喘病的發生有相當密切之關聯性。
◎瑰柏翠(Crabtree& Evelyn),國際知名的身體乳液、化妝品、家用芳香產品及和精緻食品的廠商及零售商,已經宣佈將淘汰其包裝材料上的PVC。瑰柏翠(Crabtree& Evelyn),已經開始淘汰其現存及所有新生產線之中的PVC,還有,也正在研擬一個完全淘汰PVC的時間點。
◎皇帝Permanente(Kaiser Permanente),美國最大的非營利醫療體系,已經宣佈十年後將建造的數百萬平方英尺的新醫院全部要淘汰PVC。皇帝的營造廠商已經發展出不含PVC的牆壁及地毯。
New Function Available “check the Reality / Falsity of Report” in SGS RSTS Database
Because the problems of SGS false reports found in market, as an industry ‘s responsibility and duty, SGS will provide a new function for Checking the Reality / Falsity of Report in order to protect the rights of all clients in RSTS Database from 1st Jan 2006. Please link our Website: on “Member” for related information. Moreover, please kindly apply for free membership online to get more services.
Fourth consultation on RoHS ban exemptions
The European commission is consulting until 10 February on whether to exempt a further 15 devices from a ban on hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment due to enter force on 1 July under the RoHS directive. Thirteen of the exemptions sought by industry are for lead including for lead, especially in lead solder, for example in loudspeakers, musical instruments, surge protective devices, audio equipment and amusement machines. Two are for cadmium in electrical contacts and in plating. See consultation.
The titles for the exemptions as submitted by industry and the request for exemptions, with the substantiated evidence are:
1) On-Semi MCR265-10 SCR;
2) Components NEC V55;
3) The use of lead in solder applications for electronic components of musical instruments having an average lifespan in excess of 10 years;
4) Lead solder alloy in Surge protective devices (SPDs);
5) Inventory of Special ICs having tin-lead solder on/in leads/balls, used in specialist/professional equipment;
6) Lead alloys as electrical/mechanical solder for transducers used in high-powered professional and commercial loudspeakers;
7) Solder containing lead for applications where the local temperature exceeds 150 C and reliable operation for a minimum of 30,000 hours is required;
8) T in-lead solder in the manufacture of professional audio equipment;
9) Specific modular units including tin-lead solder being used in special professional equipment;
10) Lead in electronic vacuum tubes;
11) Lead in aluminium used in gas valves for domestic cooking appliances;
12) “8. Cadmium and its compounds in electrical contacts except for applications of one-shot operation function such as thermal links and cadmium plating except for the applications banned under Directive 91/338/EEC amending Directive 76/769/EEC relating to the restriction on the marketing and use of certain dangerous substances and preparations.”;
13) Lead in solder of parts recovered from gaming/amusement machines put on the market before 1/07/06 and reused for the same purpose within a manufacturer’s closed loop until July 2014;
14) Lead in solders in components and assemblies used in non-consumer products, provided that: - such components and assemblies were purchased or are subject to a proven last-time buy contract placed before 1 July, 2006; and - such components and assemblies are used in models of EEE that were already available on the market before 1 July 2006;
15) “8. Cadmium plating as defined in Directive 91/338/EEC except for applications banned under Directive 91/338/EEC amending Directive 76/769/EEC relating to restrictions on the marketing and use of certain dangerous substances and preparations.”
Website for more information:
Microsoft, Other Major Companies to Complete Phase-Out of PVC Plastic
WASHINGTON, Dec. 9, 2005 - Microsoft, along with Kaiser Permanente, Crabtree and Evelyn, and others, have joined the fast-growing ranks of major corporations demonstrating concern about the environmental health impacts of their products or packaging by phasing out PVC plastic (polyvinyl chloride or vinyl). Hazardous chemicals are used and released in this commonly used material, the second highest selling plastic in the world. Studies show links between chemicals created and used during the PVC lifecycle and cancer, reproductive and immune system damage, and asthma.
New PVC phase-out developments include the following:
◎Microsoft announced that by the end of 2005 it will have completed its PVC packaging phase out, which has already resulted in the elimination of 361,000 pounds of PVC since July, 2005.
◎Crabtree & Evelyn, an international manufacturer and retailer of personal care products, toiletries, home fragrance products and fine foods, has announced it will phase out PVC in its packaging. Crabtree & Evelyn has already begun to phase out PVC in existing and all new product lines, and is developing a complete PVC phase out timeline.
◎Kaiser Permanente, the largest non-profit health care system in the U.S., has announced phasing out PVC wherever possible in millions of square feet in new construction to be built over the next decade. Kaiser vendors have developed PVC-free wall protection products and PVC-free carpeting.
Website for more information:
2009年9月21日 星期一
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