歐盟各國RoHS及WEEE罰則說明 (二)
◎ 葡萄牙
1. 個人違反RoHS及WEEE。
罰款EUR(歐元) 250~3,700。違規情況嚴重者,罰款金額亦較高。
2. 法人違反RoHS及WEEE。
罰款EUR(歐元) 500~44,800。違規情況嚴重者,罰款金額亦較高。
3. 個人未盡到回收責任。
◎ 塞普勒斯
1. 違反RoHS及WEEE條款。
監禁3年和/或最高罰款EUR(歐元) 35,000。違規情況嚴重者,罰款金額亦較高。
2. 違反行為可能或已經造成環境上的危害。
◎ 丹麥
1. 違反RoHS。
2. 違反WEEE。
3. 公司和其他法人違反WEEE。
◎ 芬蘭
1. 違反RoHS。
2. 違反WEEE。
◎ 瑞典
1. 違反RoHS。
罰款標準視情況而定,SEK 900~150,000。
※ 個人違反RoHS。
※ 違反RoHS情節重大者。
2. 違反WEEE。
※ 未向主管機關告知即上市販賣。
罰款SEK 5,000~100,000。
※ 未向主管機關提報資料。
罰款SEK 20,000。
※ 危害環境情節重大者。
◎ 奧地利
1. 違反RoHS。
罰款EUR(歐元) 360~7,270。違規情況嚴重者,罰款金額亦較高。
2. 違反WEEE。
罰款EUR(歐元) 360~7,270。
※ 違反WEEE為廢棄物管理之相關專業人。
最低罰款EUR(歐元) 1,800。
※ 違反提供相關資訊、文件或註冊事宜。
最高處以行政罰款EUR(歐元) 2,910。
※ 危害環境情節重大者。
- 本翻譯僅供參考,如有疑問請以網站原文為主。-
資料來源: 《英國Perchards網站》《香港貿發網》《各國政府及European Environmental Agency網站》
RoHS and WEEE Penalties for EU Member States (2)
The current implementation status and penalties of Directive 2002/96/EC on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) and Directive 2002/95/EC on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (RoHS) will be of interest to businesses importing electronic goods into the EU. We are continuing to provide reports in this and forthcoming issues on eventually all 25 Member States. The following text provides an update of the current situation with penalties in Portugal, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Austria:
Penalties -- Penalties for violating the Portuguese WEEE and RoHS legislation include fines ranging from EUR 250 to EUR 3,700 for individuals and EUR 500 to EUR 44,800 for legal entities respectively. As already stated, it should be noted that individuals might be subject to a fine if they do not return WEEE to a collection centre or retailer as provided for under the Decree.
Penalties - Non-compliance with the WEEE provisions and those prohibiting the use of hazardous substances in EEE is considered a criminal offence punishable with imprisonment of up to three years and/or a fine of up to CYP 20,000 (EUR 35,000). In addition, if there is a danger of or actual damage to the environment because of the violation, Cypriot Courts may order appropriate interim measures.
Penalties -- Failure to comply with the Danish RoHS legislation will result in the removal of manufacturers' products from the market place. Fines may also apply (for example, where producers have failed to provide for the take-back and treatment of WEEE or have failed to collect allocated WEEE). Companies and other legal persons may also be held criminally liable. Under both the RoHS and WEEE legislation, fines or a prison sentence of up to two years imprisonment can be imposed if the infringement inflicts damage to, or endangers, either a person's life or health or the environment, or where the infringement creates an economic advantage for the infringer. No maximum fine is provided for; instead fines will be assessed taking the facts and nature of the infringement into account.
Penalties --Environmental authorities may prohibit infringing activities, order compliance, and impose interim measures. They can oblige a producer to make changes to a product to ensure compliance. The Pirkanmaa Regional Environment Centre may cancel its decision concerning the approval of the producer in the producer data register. The authorities can enforce orders by imposing conditional fines, or by giving notice that (i) the measure which has not been complied with will be carried out by the authority, in which case the producer will be liable to compensate the costs incurred, or (ii) the producer's activities are suspended or prohibited. Criminal sanctions (fines) are applicable to intentional or grossly negligent infringements. If the infringement is of a serious nature (likely to cause deterioration/harm to the environment or human health) a prison sentence may be imposed.
Penalties -- Individuals who infringe the Swedish RoHS legislation can be liable to a fine or a term of imprisonment not exceeding two years. For serious offences (particularly with reference to damage which was or could have been caused), the penalty shall be a term of imprisonment of not less than six months or more than six years. Under the Swedish WEEE legislation, a fine may be imposed on any person who fails (intentionally or through negligence) to fulfil obligations (including failure to ensure that EEE is marked and failure to supply required data). When setting a fine for both WEEE and RoHS infringements the level of the fine depends on the nature of the infringement, the means of the infringing person and how serious it is (unit fines range from a minimum of 30 x SEK 30 to a maximum of 150 x SEK 1,000). In addition, under the WEEE legislation, it is possible to impose an environmental fine on undertakings e.g. where an undertaking sells products without informing the Swedish EPA (from SEK 5,000 to 100,000) or does not provide the EPA with information regarding how the products are dealt with (SEK 20,000). Higher fines may be invoked where the breach of the relevant provisions is deemed sufficiently serious or in light of aggravating circumstances.
Penalties - Non-compliance with the RoHS provisions prohibiting the use of hazardous substances in EEE is subject to fines ranging between EUR 360 and EUR 7,270. Non-compliance with the provisions of the Austrian WEEE legislation is subject to fines ranging from EUR 360 to EUR 7,270, unless the perpetrator is professionally active in the area of waste management, in which case the minimum fine is EUR 1,800. Infringements of obligations to keep records, provide access to documents, notify, provide information, or register pursuant to the WEEE Ordinance may lead to the imposition of an administrative fine of up to EUR 2,910. Higher fines may be invoked where the breach of the relevant provisions is deemed sufficiently serious or in light of aggravating circumstances.
Source: 《UK’s Perchards Website》《Business Alert - EU in Tdctrade Website》《European Environment Agency Website》
2009年9月20日 星期日
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