歐洲委員會最近展開《限用六大有害物質 (RoHS) 指令》排外項目第六次諮詢工作,公開徵詢業界的意見。業者應於2007年1月10以前將意見郵寄至歐洲委員會,或寄電子郵件至ENV-RoHS@ec.europa.eu。
◎ 諮詢業界意見
根據RoHS指令第五條規定,如擬增列排外項目,歐洲委員會應先公開諮詢業界意見,其中包括電子及電器生產商、資源回收商、處理設施營運商、環境組織、雇員與消費者協會等。業界提出的相關意見及建議將轉呈技術採用委員會(TAC)審議,由該委員會投票表決。若排外項目議案獲得TAC表決通過及採納,歐洲委員會必須在歐盟官方公報(Official Journal of the EU)正式公佈委員會決議(Commission Decision)。
◎ 徵詢內容
◎ 業界申請23個排外項目
1. 用於陰極射線管X光射線放射保護罩的鉛。
(Lead used for shielding of x-radiation emissions for CRT.)
2. 用於高功率通訊電子板及六價鉻中作為焊錫合金的鉛。
(Lead as soldering alloy in high performance communication electronic board and hexavalent chromium (Cr-VI)).
3. GemCore 410 EMV。
(GemCore 410 EMV.)
4. SAVBIT焊料。
(SAVBIT solder.)
5. 用於地基航空通訊設備製造業的鉛錫焊料。
(Sn-Pb soldering used in Ground-based Aeronautical Communication Equipment Manufacturing.)
6. 用於專業揚聲器系統,含有鉛錫焊料的變換器。
(Transducers used in professional loudspeaker systems, using tin-lead solder.)
7. 用於製造專業音響設備的鉛錫焊料。
(Tin-lead solder in the manufacture of professional audio equipment.)
8. 用於專業設備,含有鉛錫焊料的積體電路。
(Inventory of special ICS having tin-lead solder on/in leads/balls, used in specialist/professional equipment.)
9. 電池運轉式手錶內的水晶石。
(Crystal Stones within the battery operated watch.)
10. 用於廣播與國土安全防禦的電子及電器設備。
(EEE used for the broadcast and homeland security sector.)
11. 鍍層中含鉛的AM186ES-V40與AM79C961AKC。
(AM186ES-V40 containing lead in used in the leads over plating and AM79C961AKC containing lead in used in the leads over plating.)
12. 聚化合物薄膜電晶體內的硫化鎘或硒化鎘。
(Cadmium sulphide or cadmium selenide in polymer based thin film transistor.)
13. 電子零件上的電極端子表面加工焊料所用的鉛。
(Lead used in the soldering for surface finishing at the electric pole terminal on the electronic parts.)
14. 厚膜陶瓷基質的氧化鎘中所含的鎘。
(Cadmium contained in the cadmium oxide of a thick film ceramic substrate.)
15. 使用含鉛焊料的所有電子配件。
(All electronics assemblies using lead in solder.)
16. 電毯內用於偵測熱點的鉛。
(Lead in electric overblankets for Hot Spot detection.)
17. 自動販賣機以卡付款裝置所用的MPC10。
(MPC10 used in automatic vending machines to achieve the payment by card.)
18. 作為鈍化使用的六價鉻。
(Hexavalent Chrome Cr-VI when used as a passivate.)
19. 電路板、廢棄與不符合的英特爾(Intel)公司 80c188/86 EA\XL微處理機、ADI(Analog Devices, Inc.)公司ADMC300數位訊號處理器(DSP)以及恩益禧(NEC)公司 uPD7101 DART所含的鉛與六價鉻。
(Lead contained in circuit boards, obsolete and non-compliant Intel 80c188/86 EA\XL microprocessors, Analog Devices ADMC300 DSP, and NEC uPD7101 DART and hexavalent chromium.)
20. 製造電毯及加熱墊所用的一種零件。
(Component used in the manufacture of electric blankets and heating pads.)
21. 申請刪除歐盟第2006/691/EC號決議公告的排外項目:「用於光纖通訊系統,以稀土鐵石榴石(RIG)晶體製成的法拉第旋轉器中作為雜質的鉛」。
(Request to delete exemption for "Lead as impurity in RIG (rare earth iron garnet) Faraday rotators used for fibre optic communications systems.")
22. 電位整理器元件所含的鉛。
(Lead in Trimmer Potentiometer elements.)
23. 光電零件中所用的鎘。
(Cadmium in opto-electronic components.)
- 本翻譯僅供參考,如有疑問請以網站原文為主。-
6th Round RoHS Exemptions Consultation Launched
The Commission has launched the 6th RoHS consultation round with a list of 23 new exemption requests. Interested parties are invited to send their comments by 10 January 2007 at the latest by e-mail to ENV-RoHS@ec.europa.eu or by post to European Commission.
◎ Consultation of interested parties
For the consideration of the items listed below based on Article 5(1) (b), the Commission services would like to consult interested parties.
In particular, stakeholders are requested to provide, for each entry, information on:
Do feasible substitutes currently exist in an industrial and/or commercial scale?
Do any restrictions apply to such substitutes?
What are the costs and benefits and advantages and disadvantages of such substitutes?
Are there any negative environmental, health and/or consumer safety impacts caused by substitution which are likely to outweigh the environmental, health and/or consumer benefits thereof?
◎ Proposal for additional exemptions
The titles for the exemptions as submitted by industry and the request for exemptions are as below:
1. Lead used for shielding of x-radiation emissions for CRT.
2. Lead as soldering alloy in high performance communication electronic board and hexavalent chromium (Cr-VI).
3. GemCore 410 EMV.
4. AVBIT solder.
5. Sn-Pb soldering used in Ground-based Aeronautical Communication Equipment Manufacturing.
6. Transducers used in professional loudspeaker systems, using tin-lead solder.
7. Tin-lead solder in the manufacture of professional audio equipment.
8. Inventory of special ICS having tin-lead solder on/in leads/balls, used in specialist/professional equipment.
9. Crystal Stones within the battery operated watch.
10. EEE used for the broadcast and homeland security sector.
11. AM186ES-V40 containing lead in used in the leads over plating and AM79C961AKC containing lead in used in the leads over plating.
12. Cadmium sulphide or cadmium selenide in polymer based thin film transistor.
13. Lead used in the soldering for surface finishing at the electric pole terminal on the electronic parts.
14. Cadmium contained in the cadmium oxide of a thick film ceramic substrate.
15. All electronics assemblies using lead in solder.
16. Lead in electric overblankets for Hot Spot detection.
17. MPC10 used in automatic vending machines to achieve the payment by card.
18. Hexavalent Chrome Cr-VI when used as a passivate.
19. Lead contained in circuit boards, obsolete and non-compliant Intel 80c188/86 EA\XL microprocessors, Analog Devices ADMC300 DSP, and NEC uPD7101 DART and hexavalent chromium.
20. Component used in the manufacture of electric blankets and heating pads.
21. Request to delete exemption for "Lead as impurity in RIG (rare earth iron garnet) Faraday rotators used for fibre optic communications systems."
22. Lead in Trimmer Potentiometer elements.
23. Cadmium in opto-electronic components.
Information Source:《EUROPA Website in the Europe》
Detailed information, please refer to
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