瑞典政府決議自2007年1月1日起,紡織品、電纜及傢俱…等產品限用十溴聯苯醚(Deca-BDE) 之危害物質,該政策嚴重違反了歐盟法律的規定。
◎ 瑞典《限用十溴聯苯醚法令》 預計自2007年1月1日起正式生效
歐洲溴化阻燃劑工業小組(Eurpoean Brominated Flame Retardant Industry Panel, 簡稱EBFRIP)日前宣佈,瑞典政府決議自2007年1月1日起,紡織品、電纜及傢俱…等產品限用十溴聯苯醚(Deca-BDE)之危害物質,該法令嚴重違反了歐盟法律的規定。
歐洲溴化阻燃劑工業小組(EBFRIP)表示瑞典禁用十溴聯苯醚(Deca-BDE) 的決議已經與歐盟發表的一份研究長達十年之久《歐盟科學評估報告》相互牴觸,同時瑞典政府並未慎重評估該法令對人類健康及環境所造成的風險。另外,該瑞典法令也違反了《歐盟新化學品法規》(Registration, Evaluation, and Authorization of Chemicals,簡稱REACH)的政策。
◎ 將對消費者安全造成莫大衝擊
除此之外,根據歐洲溴化阻燃劑工業小組(EBFRIP)表示,十溴聯苯醚(Deca-BDE) 阻燃劑經常被廣泛應用在紡織品及電子設備之中,目的為確保消費性產品具備高度防火之特性,長期以來,該阻燃劑已幫助成千上萬的人民挽回寶貴的性命。雖然瑞典《限用十溴聯苯醚法令》的涵蓋範圍並不包括汽車或電子及電器設備,預料該法令將對工業及消費者安全造成銳不可擋的衝擊。
另一方面,歐洲溴化阻燃劑工業小組(EBFRIP)的主席 戴特博士(Dr. Dieter Drohmann)指出,「瑞典政府的措施若不是助長廠商使用完全不需要檢驗的替代品就是迫使製造業者提升消費性產品本身的易燃性而導致產品毫無安全性可言。毫無疑問,該法令很可能會嚴重影響到消費者有關火災方面的安全,實在不容忽視。」
根據歐洲溴化阻燃劑工業小組(EBFRIP)表示,僅管歐洲委員會在今年初已正式提出若干反對該法令的理由,但瑞典仍持續採用此妨礙了歐盟市場貨品自由流通之法律,目前,瑞典正面臨歐盟司法法庭(European Court of Justice)審判的風險。因為,一旦歐盟司法法庭認為歐盟成員國之國家法令與歐盟法律相互牴觸,歐盟司法法庭有權推翻該成員國之國家法令。
資料來源: 《美國Green SupplyLine網站》
詳細內容請參考: http://www.greensupplyline.com/news/192300632
- 本翻譯僅供參考,如有疑問請以網站原文為主。-
Sweden moves to ban Deca-BDE
The Swedish government has decided to restrict decabromodiphenyl ether (Deca-BDE) in textiles, furniture and cables as of January 1, 2007, which is in breach of EU law.
◎ The Swedish Deca-BDE law comes into effect by January 1, 2007
The European Brominated Flame Retardant Industry Panel (EBFRIP) has announced the Swedish government has decided to restrict decabromodiphenyl ether (Deca-BDE) in textiles, furniture and cables as of January 1, 2007, which is in breach of EU law.
EBFRIP said the Swedish government's decision to ban Deca-BDE contradicts a 10-year《EU scientific assessment 》which did not identify any risk for human health or the environment. It also in opposition to the proposed new chemicals legislation, Registration, Evaluation, and Authorization of Chemicals (REACH), which bases regulatory decisions on scientific testing.
◎ Make a serious impact on consumer safety
According to EBRIP, the flame retardant Deca-BDE is used in textiles and electronic equipment to ensure a high resistance of consumer products against fire, and has contributed to saving thousands of lives. Although the Swedish restriction does not include automotive or electrical and electronic equipment, it is expected to have a serious impact on industry and consumer safety.
"The action by Sweden will either encourage the use of less tested alternatives or drive consumer products to be less safe by increasing their flammability. It has potentially serious implications for consumer fire safety," said Dr. Dieter Drohmann, EBFRIP chairman, in a statement.
Despite legal objections from the European Commission earlier this year, Sweden has proceeded to adopt legislation which prevents goods from circulating freely within the EU market and now risks to be brought before the EU Court of Justice, which has the authority to overturn national legislation it considers to be in conflict with EU law, according to EBFRIP.
Detailed information, please refer to http://www.greensupplyline.com/news/192300632
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