在英國,國家度量衡實驗室(NWML)將零售店架上整排的電子設備進行檢驗。國家度量衡實驗室RoHS小組的經理 克里斯‧史密斯表示:「我們發現目前市面上的產品符合RoHS的僅佔少部分。」
◎ 企業揭密
在丹麥,其執行機構向某家電視台調查節目透露:目前正積極調查一項拋棄式照相機可能違反RoHS的案件。丹麥環保署署長 托本‧諾倫表示,RoHS執行者從零售店架上帶回一些照相機進行檢驗並要求廠商提供證明文件。
在比利時,許多公司也在揭露競爭對手的秘密。比利時環境部產品政策協調者 丹尼斯‧波爾表示:「雖然RoHS執行機構聆聽揭密者的心聲, 但他們對於未經證實的秘密情報仍會小心翼翼調查。」
◎ 偵測困難
根據消息指出:「大多數的RoHS執行者均使用XRF Guns,在零售店以及產品跨越海關時執行隨機檢查。」但是他們承認:XRF Guns確實有正確性的限制,並且只適用於初步篩選。
◎ 促進企業符合RoHS
另外, RoHS執行機構絕對不接受99.9 ℅ 符合的產品。波爾表示:「只有絕對的符合,或絕對的不符合。」
- 本翻譯僅供參考,如有疑問請以網站原文為主。-
資料來源:《美國Green SupplyLine網站》
RoHS Police are Busy at Work
RoHS enforcement agencies across Europe have been quietly inspecting electronics products for RoHS compliance since the July 1 deadline. For now, the EU RoHS authorities are focused on generating compliance not prosecution. But this may change in 2007.
In the U.K., the National Weights and Measures Laboratory has tested a range of electronic devices pulled from retail shelves. "We've found very little product that's complied at all," said Chris Smith, head of the NWML's RoHS team.
Industry whistleblowers
In Denmark, RoHS officials were tipped off by an investigative TV program looking into a possible RoHS violation involving disposable cameras. The cameras were withdrawn from the shelves of a retail store for further testing and the company was asked for documentation, said Torben Norlem, head of RoHS enforcement at Denmark's Environmental Protection Agency (Kbenhavn, Denmark).
RoHS police use a range of methods and sources in targeting specific products. Aside from random checks, authorities monitor the media for RoHS information and accept tips from whistleblowers, NGOs or citizens, said Smith. The NWML has a database with risk profiles of producers based on criteria such as product type, company size, market performance and whistleblower reports.
Whistleblowing seems to be picking up. "If one producer invested several millions to be RoHS compliant and sees another producer selling non-compliant RoHS products, this company will very often report to us," Norlem said. "We get these reports regularly."
In Belgium, companies are also tattling on rivals. Pohl said that although authorities listen, they remain wary of tips without substantiated information. "At the moment there is no serious information from competitors," he said.
Detection difficulties
Most RoHS police are using x-ray fluorescence (XRF) guns for on-the-spot inspections on the retail floor or for random checks when goods cross borders, sources said. But they acknowledge that XRF has accuracy limitations and can only be used for initial screening.
RoHS substances tend to hide. For example, Greenpeace found that when the restricted flame retardants are embedded in plastic, they are virtually undetectable.
Compliance generation
"Our job at the moment is generating compliance, not prosecuting," Smith said. "If we find a problem and can go to the company to discuss it and put an improvement plan in place, that's generating compliance."
"In 2007, enforcement will get stronger," Pohl added.
Moreover, authorities do not accept 99.9% compliant product. "Either it is compliant or is not," he said.
Source:《Green SupplyLine website in the U.S.A.》
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