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◎ WEEE條例之重要影響
根據貿易暨工業部(DTI) 表示,英國WEEE條例的規定將:
- 本翻譯僅供參考,如有疑問請以網站原文為主。-
英國WEEE條例 (SI 2006 No. 3289),請參考:http://www.dti.gov.uk/files/file35992.pdf
WEEE處理指南 (Defra),請參考:http://www.defra.gov.uk/environment/waste/topics/electrical/pdf/weee-batrrt-guidance.pdf
UK WEEE Regulations Published
Regulations to bring in the WEEE Directive in the UK were today laid before Parliament by science minister Malcolm Wicks, coming into force on January 5, 2007.
Alongside publication of the regulations, the Department of Trade and Industry confirmed that the packaging waste compliance scheme Valpak will be broadening its work into running the official compliance scheme for retailers.
The regulations will also allow in-store take back of WEEE if a retailer chooses not to join the Valpak scheme although as this has the support of the British Retail Consortium, most shops and stores are expected to participate.
Producers of electrical goods will from 1 July 2007 be required to meet the environmental costs of dealing with waste products the regulations. But, the Directive does not place any obligations on householders, and they will be not be prohibited from throwing WEEE away with general domestic rubbish.
The DTI said that "it will however encourage more WEEE to be reused or recycled by ensuring that there is a network of facilities in place where householders can return their used equipment free of charge."
By 15 March 2007 producers will need to join an approved producer compliance scheme to ensure that they are able to comply with the Directive from 1 July.
The DTI said that the regulations will:
Enable consumers to dispose of their electrical waste free of charge at accessible and appropriate places. Consumers will start to see changes from July 2007, with new signage at their local council refuse centres, in shops, and on new electrical products.
Give distributors the choice of how to meet their obligations under the Directive by either joining the Distributor Take-back Scheme (DTS) or by offering customers in-store take-back.
Allow existing relationships currently managing electrical waste to continue. This is consistent with the Government’s overall approach to regulation, which is to be as ‘light-touch’ as possible.
Enable any operator of a designated collection facility (DCF) to arrange with a producer compliance scheme (PCS) to have the electrical waste deposited at their site taken away for treatment and recycling by that PCS, free of charge.
Allow for and encourage the re-use of equipment after it has been discarded where possible.
Allows for the continued collection of old equipment at the same time of delivering new goods by retailers, and some producers.
In a surprise move, the DTI is not to meet the costs of collecting and treating hazardous WEEE items such as cathode ray tubes for the first three months of the next financial year. Because of the delays to the regulations, the Department had been footing the bill for this but the DTI revealed today that regulations are to be laid "early in the New Year to allow for producers to be charged for the collection, treatment and recycling of EEE containing hazardous substances (for example CRTs, refrigerants and gas discharge lamps) that are sent to local authority sites between the 1 April and 30 June 2007".
Information Source:《 letsrecycle website in the U.S.A. 》
Detailed information, please refer to
UK WEEE Regulations (SI 2006 No. 3289), please refer to
WEEE Waste Management Licensing Regulations, please refer to
Defra: WEEE Treatment Guidance, please refer to
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