目前,歐盟已同意一項新的電池指令,預計從2008年起開始實施與電池及蓄電池有關的新指令。新指令旨在減少有害電池及蓄電池的產量,提高舊電池的回收、處理及再利用率,以及向消費者提供資訊,鼓勵他們購買較長壽及環保的電池。新指令頒布後,歐盟會員國將有2年時間把指令轉化成全國法例。 (新的電池指令目前已送交歐洲議會審議中,待正式通過後採用。)
◎ 該指令的重點如下:
依據該指令,汞含量超過0.0005 ﹪及鎘含量超過0.002 ﹪的攜帶式電池將禁止在歐盟銷售,但緊急警報系統、醫療設備以及無線電動工具除外。(攜帶式電池的定義:重量小於1kg。)
所有舊電池的回收率在2012年應達到25 ﹪,2016年應成長至45 ﹪。此外,舊電池的再利用率應至少達到50 ﹪以上。
回收目標:鎳鎘電池必需達到平均重量的75 ﹪,鉛酸蓄電池為65 ﹪,其他電池則為50 ﹪。
◎ 鉛、汞及鎘的危害
據歐盟環保委員Mr. Dimas表示:歐盟已先行確保含有重金屬的電池及蓄電池不再危害人類健康以及污染地球環境。同時,Dimas也認為「愈早開始回收電池,對環境愈有利。」
每年預估大約有16萬公噸的消耗性電池、19萬公噸的工業用電池以及80萬公噸的車用電池在歐洲市場上市。目前,歐盟僅有六個國家建立回收系統,回收各式各樣的舊電池。根據2002年「回收率」的統計資料顯示:比利時回收率達59 ﹪居冠,其次是瑞典55 ﹪,其他分別為奧地利44 ﹪、德國39 ﹪、荷蘭32 ﹪、法國16 ﹪。
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EU agrees battery recycling law
The European Union has agreed the text of a law that will make recycling of batteries obligatory from 2008.
The directive will ban most batteries with more than a trace of the toxic chemicals cadmium or mercury.
It says a quarter of all used batteries must be collected by 2012 - rising to 45% by 2016 - and that at least half of them must be recycled.
It also says all batteries must be clearly labelled to show how long they will last, from 2009 onwards.
The compromise text was agreed by a delegation from the parliament and representatives of the member states on Tuesday, in a procedure known as conciliation.
◎Costs to industry
Both the European Parliament and the member states will have another chance to vote on the draft directive, but texts agreed by conciliation are rarely rejected.
Once the directive becomes law, states will have two years to pass appropriate national laws.
The directive calls for collection points to be established where consumers can hand in used batteries - including those from toys, computers or mobile phones - and obliges shops to collect used batteries from consumers at no extra cost.
It also says that all batteries must be removable, and that all producers of batteries must be registered.
The recycling targets are 75% by average weight for nickel-cadmium batteries, 65% for lead acid batteries and 50% for others.
The cost of implementing the new rules will be borne by industry.
◎Mercury and cadmium
"The EU gives high priority to making sure that batteries and accumulators no longer cause health and environmental problems due to the heavy metals they contain," said Environment Commissioner Stavros Dimas.
"The faster we start to collect and recycle batteries, the better for the environment."
Mercury is a toxic metal, especially dangerous to the developing nervous system. Cadmium is carcinogenic, and lead is damaging for the central nervous system and for blood circulation.
Batteries containing more than 0.0005% of mercury and 0.002% of cadmium will be banned except in emergency and alarm systems, medical equipment and cordless power tools.
About 160,000 tonnes of consumer batteries, 190,000 tonnes of industrial batteries, and 800,000 tonnes of vehicle batteries are sold in Europe every year.
Only six EU countries currently have systems to collect all types of used portable batteries. In 2002 the collection rates were 59% in Belgium, 55% in Sweden, 44% in Austria, 39% in Germany, 32% in the Netherlands, and 16% in France.
Source: BBC News in UK http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/1/hi/world/europe/4969544.stm
2009年9月20日 星期日
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