適用於全歐盟的《限用六大有害物質指令》(RoHS) 將於今年7月1日正式生效。面對迫在眉梢的此刻,台灣廠商應儘速尋求第三方公正檢測實驗室的協助,以最具效益的方式,取得綠色通行證。另外,台灣業者若要持續在電子電器產業中大放異彩,追求永續經營,就必須與國際接軌,尋求更合乎全面環保的解決方案,從前端設計、採購、製程、生產、出貨、乃至於後續的查核工作,都必須落實綠色規定。
◎ RoHS標準和定義
◎ 各國罰則 輕重不一
◎ 英國公佈RoHS執行指引
- 本翻譯僅供參考,如有疑問請以網站原文為主。-
資料來源: 《香港貿發局 歐盟商情快訊網站》
(02) 2299-3279 Ext. 3102~3124 (業務客服組)
或請參考SGS之 RoHS檢測服務。
EU RoHS law bring into effect on 1 July
Hong Kong electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) traders have no doubt been concertedly gearing up for implementation of the Restrictions on Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Directive, set to take effect on 1 July 2006, EU-wide. The Directive harmonises the Member States' regulations on acceptable levels of certain chemicals and metals in homogenous materials in virtually all EEE that is placed on the market.
By 1 July, all homogenous materials within these products put onto the EU market will not be permitted to contain more than 0.1% by weight of lead, mercury, hexavalent chromium, PBB and PBDE and more than 0.01% by weight of cadmium, unless the products are subject to one of the applicable exemptions.
While the RoHS Directive lays out the restrictions, it leaves the methods of enforcement and compliance to the discretion of the Member States. Worries about the possibility of multiple different compliance and enforcement regimes, however, were lessened on 31 May 2006, when the enforcement agency of the UK, the National Weights and Measures Laboratory (NWML) issued its RoHS Enforcement Guidance Document after discussions within the EU RoHS Enforcement Authorities Informal Network. Although the Guidance Document is non-binding on the Member States, it is extremely useful to importers and producers as it provides clear advice on how they may demonstrate compliance.
The Member States will all be applying a presumption of conformity backed by self-declarations from producers. This means that keeping appropriate documentation on compliance procedures will be the primary method of demonstrating conformity.
While analytical testing (particularly testing which destroys the product) is said to be the last resort of the enforcement authorities, it may be wise for producers to include certain types of targeted testing as part of their CAS or as justification for reliance on new suppliers' warranties of compliance.
Screening products and parts through non-destructive energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (ED-XRF) is a recommended first step in product testing, as it can be done relatively cheaply and without extensive disassembling. ED-XRF, however, is not a precision testing method, so further testing may be needed. As products may be made up of hundreds, or thousands, of constituent parts, further testing should be done selectively, based on several principles set out in the Guidance Document:
‧ Focus on samples from "high concern" materials.
‧ Focus on samples which can be disassembled using ordinary laboratory tools or which can be mechanically disjointed.
‧ Focus on parts which give borderline results in ED-XRF screening.
The key to analytical testing in the Guidance Document is assuring that parts are being disassembled to the level of their constituent homogenous materials and the materials are being tested individually. A homogenous material is a material that cannot be mechanically disjointed into different materials. The term mechanically disjointed means that the materials can, in principle, be separated by mechanical actions such as unscrewing, cutting, crushing, grinding and abrasive processes. Materials can only be treated as homogenous if they are of uniform consistency throughout or if they cannot be mechanically disjointed and analysis of the individual homogenous materials is not possible.
Source: 《Business Alert - EU in Tdctrade Website》
2009年9月20日 星期日
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