一、 指定電池定義為:錳鋅電池及非鈕釦型鹼錳電池之ㄧ次電池。
二、 禁止汞含量高於5ppm之指定電池。
三、 製造、輸入業向中央主管機關(行政院環境保護署)申請確認文件時,應提交相關文件(包括由核發許可證之檢測指定機構或國際實驗室認證聯盟認證的實驗室取得的三個月內之汞含量檢測報告)。
四、 輸入、製造業應於指定電池及附有指定電池之物品的本體或包裝明顯處,標明「本產品內電池汞含量低於5ppm」及確認的文件編號。
五、 以上標示於電池本體者,其字體長寬不得小於0.5公分。標示於包裝者,其字體長寬不得小於0.3公分。在草案施行以前,已經於市面銷售的指定電池應於民國96年7月1日以前符合第四項規定。
參考網址: http://w3.epa.gov.tw/epalaw/index.aspx
以上資料摘自行政院環境保護署 環署廢字第0940059539號
Restriction of the Manufacture, Import and Sale of Dry Cell Batteries containing Mercury in Taiwan
Taiwan has proposes to restrict the manufacture, import, and sale of designated batteries that contain more than 5ppm of mercury (include products such as toys, clocks, appliances
containing such batteries) on August 1, 2005. Import, manufacture or selling of such batteries without the central competent authority's prior confirmation is forbidden. This restriction would come into force by July 1, 2006.
The highlight of the restriction is as below:
1. Designated batteries means one-time-use manganese-zinc batteries and non-button
alkaline manganese batteries.
2. Designated batteries containing more than 5ppm of mercury are prohibited.
3. Manufacturers or importers are required to submit documents (include a test report
issued by an accredited laboratory within three months) to the authority for prior confirmation.
4. Manufacturer or importer shall mark the words “本產品內電池汞含量低於5ppm” (This product has been confirmed by the EPA (Environment Protection Administration Executive Yuan) to have a mercury content less than five parts per million) and the confirmation number (will be issued after confirmation) on the body of the batteries or on their packaging.
5. The width or height of the characters may not be less than 0.5 centimeters when marked on the battery and 0.3 centimeters when marked on packaging. Further, batteries sold prior to the implementation of this order shall be marked before July 1, 2007.
Website for more information: http://w3.epa.gov.tw/epalaw/index.aspx
2009年9月20日 星期日
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